Juvenile Membership for 2021 is now open for current members only. All 2020 members should have received an email in early December with the link . Please register your child as soon as you can. If you are not rejoining please private message Tara Carr so that the club can give the place to a child on the waiting list.
New juvenile members can request to join the 2021 waiting list by completing this link. You will not be charged until membership has been approved and a space confirmed. https://membership.athleticsireland.ie/joinclub.html
There is no guarantee of a place due to the AI ratio of coach : child but a place will be offered as soon as it becomes free. If you are not on this waiting list then you will not get a place this is to ensure fairness to all who wish to join. Membership is €25 for the year and €2 per session attended , we train every Tuesday night at 6pm in the GAA Astro in the demesne in NCW and also Sunday mornings. All training will be subject to COVID 19 guidelines in 2021.
Adult Membership for 2021. There is not a waiting list for adult membership. All 2020 members should have received an email with a link for 2021 registration. New adult members for adult/Fit4Life can register https://membership.athleticsireland.ie/joinclub.html
Please contact us on info@westlimerickac.ie if you have any questions.