West Limerick A.C. Club Notes 15-9-2020


County Cross Country:

We are taking names for the upcoming Senior, Intermediate and Even Age Cross Country
fixed for Sunday October 4th in the Demesne,  Newcastle West.
(Subject to government Covid 19 guidelines)
After an extraordinary 2020 we are asking you our members to put on your club singlet and
represent your club.
Adults –  Please let your team captains Kevin Kelly and Fiona Bourke know if you are
Juveniles – Parents please let Tara Carr know if your child is participating. We would love to
field as many teams as possible in as many age groups as possible.

Volunteers – Anyone who cannot run but would like to volunteer to ensure a successful day
please contact Kevin O Donoghue or a committee member.

Whether running or volunteering every member and the role they can play is important.

4th Oct – Demense NCW – County Even ages – U10 (1k), U12, (1.5k), U14 (2.5k), U16
(3.5k), U18/Senior/Intermediate women (4K), Senior/Inter men (8k)

11th Oct – Bilboa – County uneven ages – U9 (750m), U11 (1k), U13 (2k), U15 (3k), U17/19
Novice & Master women (4k) Novice & Master men

Charleville Half Marathon

Due to Covid 19 restrictions this year’s event was invite only.
Declan Guina ran a great race to finish 21st overall in a fantastic time of 1:11:37.
The race was won by International Mick Clohisey in 1.05.08. The first woman was Breege
Connolly 1:17:28. Both represented Ireland in the 2016 Olympics.
Ide Nic Domhnaill was the second woman in 1:18:36 and Sorcha Nic Domhnaill was fifth in

International Results Update:

Carolyn Hayes has finished inside the top twenty in a world class field at #KarlovyVaryWC!!
In the men’s race, Russell White finished 31st & Ian Manthey 35th.
Con Doherty & Erin McConnell were unfortunately forced to retire in their respective events.

Training for adults, Fit4Life and Juvenile groups:

Adult Training:
Adult training with coach Gerard Cremin and Fit4Life training with coach Denis Fitzgerald
continues to build momentum. Thank you to our members for following our Covid-19
In order to attend adult training every member must complete the following:

  1. Covid Course. https://www.sportireland.ie/covid19/course Complete to the end. It will not
    take long. Complete both The Return to Sport and Covid Officer sections to get the Covid 19
    Officer cert. Please send a copy of your Cert to info@westlimerickac.ie
  2. Health
    Questionnaire https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfOpptZ5UgnHCTtAMk49QNMJV
    This must be completed on the day of training but before 4pm. You will need to complete
    this before every training session.

Juvenile Training:
Our juveniles are enjoying being back training and are already feeling the benefits.
Parents/Guardians of our juvenile members have been notified of what needs to be completed
on the club Viber group message and are being kept up-to-date. If any parent/guardian has
any questions please contact Tara Carr. Juvenile members cannot train if the procedures are
not followed. West Limerick training and events are fully compliant with the Government
COVID guidelines.


Want to Join The Club?

Adult Membership is currently open. If you have been a member of a different Athletics Club in the past 3 years a Transfer Form is required. Please contact us and we will assist with the transfer.