Kilmallock Ac were the excellent hosts of this years county 4 mile championship race, This event covers Novice, Seniors and Masters ladies and men’s 4 mile races.
Sunday was a perfect day for racing with the weather ideal and a lovely flat course on offer. West Limerick had put a big emphasis on the county 4 mile as a club event this year and it was fantastic to see such large numbers representing the club in the championship race.
At 1pm 32 ladies members of the Limerick clubs set off. West Limerick AC had 13 members running. Hilkka Kontro of Limerick AC had a commanding win and ran an excellent race. The finishers came fast after that with Catriona Farrel (An Bru AC) and Sinead McDermott (Dooneen Ac) 2nd and 3rd.
From our point of view Catriona Lenihan (6th 27.22) and club captain Fiona Bourke (7th 27.26) lead us home. They were followed by Noelle Ahern (27.52), Rita Brouder (28.14), Dympna Lawlor (28.44), Mary Folan-Ryan (28.56), Paula Collins (29.04), Kate Murray (28.53), Caroline Conroy (30.08), Maeve Kenrick (31.36), Carmel MacDomhnaill (32.19), Karen O’Brien (32.25) and Joanne Kelly (33.05).
All these results meant that West Limerick AC won the Senior women’s team event. The team were Catriona, Fiona, Noelle, Rita, Dympna and Mary. An Bru were second and Dooneen third.
In the women’s Novice event our ladies won again. The team was Catriona, Noelle, Rita, Dympna, Mary and Paula. An Bru were second and Bilboa third.
In the ladies Master’s events West Limerick AC had the following results:
Catriona Farrell was first overall. Catriona Lenihan was second and Fiona Bourke third. Catriona was second O35, Mary Folan-Ryan first O40, Paula Collins second O40, Fiona Bourke first O45, Dympna Lawlor second O45, Carmel MacDomhnaill first O60.
In the master’s teams our ladies were O35 first and third, first O45.
The Men’s race started at 1.45pm. Declan Moore was first home and continued his excellent 2019 form. Mark Guerin of Limerick AC had a very good second place. Our own Mike Sheehy (21.31) finished in third place and Declan Guina (21.43) was fourth. There were followed by a large group of West Limerick AC men. Sean Cunningham (22.38), John O Connell (22.59), Ger Guina (23.05), Ian Kelly (23.08), Karl Lenihan (23.24), Aogan MacDomhnaill (23.36), Martin Lyons (24.34), Liam Hurrell (24.38), Brendan Costelloe (25.17), Martin Liston (25.49), George O Sullivan (26.32), Kevin Kelly (27.05), Kevin O’Donoghue (27.15), Con Mulcahy (27.35), John O Sullivan (27.49), Mike MacDomhnaill (28.09), Shane Quille (28.31), Seamus Cawley (29.40), Bryan Hartnett (30.30), Richard Lenihan (30.37) and Jonathan Leniston (32.03)
We had 23 of the 50 runners competing in the men’s race and it resulted in the following:
West Limerick AC were second to Limerick AC in the Senior race. We won the Novice race as a team with Mike Sheehy first overall. Limerick AC were second and Dooneen AC third.
In the Master’s event West Limerick Ac had the following results:
Mike Sheehy was first overall Master, 1st O40, John O Connell third O40, Martin Lyons second O45, Liam Hurrell third O45, Seamus Cawley second O60, Mike MacDomhnaill first O65, Richard Lenihan second O65.
In the Master’s teams West Limerick AC were second and third O35, First O50.
Overall it was a very successful day for West Limerick AC. It was our largest turnout for an event in a long time and it was fantastic to see. There was very positive energy throughout the members on the day and they along with our supporters gave great support for each others teams on the day. We can look forward to the year ahead in athletics for 2019.
Thank you to Kilmallock AC and all the volunteers from Athletics Limerick on the day on organising our county championship races.
Mallow 10 Mile:
We had some club members running in the excellent Mallow 10 mile race on Sunday.
First home for the club was Mark Lenihan in an outstanding time of 60:34. Mark was followed by Derek Kenrick 1:14:37, Edel Henriques 1:22:53, Malacky McCarthy 1:28:41,Corona Sheedy 1:32:42.
Fanatastic running and well done to everyone.
Craughwell 10 mile
Well done to Diarmuid Lane on his super run in Galway today. Diarmuid finished the 10 mile race in 1:02:45.
2019 Durban ATU Triathalon
A huge congratulations to our club member Carolyn Hayes who won a medal at the 2019 Durban ATU triathalon premium African cup at the weekend.
Parkrun Round-up
Sligo Parkrun: Micheal Guiney was 1st in the Sligo Parkrun in 20.09
Newcastle West: Sheila Calvin was 1st lady to finish. Norman Paddle and Kate Downes also ran.
Limerick: Patricia McNamara ran in Limerick this week
Juvenile Training
Due to the large numbers of juvenile members attending training on Tuesdays and Thursdays we will have closed registration to new juvenile members We have reached full capacity in our current facilities and in coaching ratios.We are currently looking for parents and/or people in West Limerick with an interest in athletics to obtain Garda Vetting and get involved with coaching in the club so that we can support our current coaches and offer more training to juveniles in our area. We need your help if we are to continue our juvenile training. West Limerick A.C. will pay for all necessary courses once a commitment is made to join the club and help in the juvenile section of our club.
Our current coaches are Mike Cussen, Tara Carr and Kevin O Donoghue along with assistant coaches Aogan MacDomhnaill, Aine Mawe and Micheal Rowsome.
2019 registration
2019 West Limerick AC registration is still open for adults (over 19) and juveniles , all registration and payments are now online, all members are requested to complete the on line form and make the payment electronically. Adult membership (over 19’s) is €35 and Juvenile membership is €25. The club is no longer using paper forms and/ or cash transactions. It is hoped to have everyone registered by Jan 1st. Full details and link to registration are on our website, Facebook and Twitter pages.
Payment for club gear can also be made through the online account.
Adult Training
Senior training for West Limerick AC members continues each Tuesday evening at 7pm on the Astro turf in the Desmene Newcastle West. You must be registered before you can train. There are no exceptions. The €2 fee remains. Non athletics Ireland members will not be allowed take part for insurance reasons. This goes for Juvenile, Fit4Life and Interval training. If you are not a member of the club you will not be allowed train with the club.